Friday 7 June 2013

Holiday Packing

We are off soon on our summer holiday, this year we are heading off south west to Cornwall.  

My travelling patchwork sewing kit

I needed to sort out something sewing or craft related to take with me, of course hexagon patchwork is the obvious choice and I think some knitting, I have a huge ball of Arran wool so I thought I could knit a cushion cover, so I Googled and found this pattern here

So having printed the pattern, found the right size needles and the wool, did I pack it way ready for the holiday? no, course I didn't I had to start straight away, I didn't bother with the tension square either, I know, but its a cushion whatever size it comes out it will be fine.

I also remembered I have half knitted summer top to finish, so that can be packed too.

Roll on two weeks of sun (fingers crossed) sea, and sewing/knitting.

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